
Anzahl der Treffer (Daten werden monatlich aktualisiert): 81087
Weiter Weiter| 11 - 20 | 21 - 30|31 - 40 |Weiter Weiter

GB/T 41316-2022


Guidelines for the characterization of dispersion stability

GB/T 41320-2022


Non-household gas-fired space heater

GB/T 41344.2-2022

机械安全 风险预警 第2部分:监测

Safety of machinery—Risk early-warning—Part 2: Monitor

GB/T 41923.3-2022

机械产品三维工艺设计 第3部分:模型构建

Three-dimensional process planning for mechanical products—Part 3: Model building

GB/Z 41367-2022

桩木和杆材 加压法防腐处理

Wood piles and poles—Preservative treatment by pressure process

GB/T 41366-2022

畜禽肉品质检测 水分、蛋白质、脂肪含量的测定 近红外法

Livestock and poultry meat quality testing—Determination of moisture, protein and fat—Near-infrared spectroscopy method

GB/T 41371-2022

村务管理 事项运行流程编制指南

Village affairs management—Compile guidelines for items running process

GB/T 41373-2022


Service specification of rural sanitation cleaning

GB/T 17951-2022


Specification for magnetically hard materials

GB/T 7164-2022


Characteristics and test methods of radiation detectors for nuclear reactors

Anzahl der Treffer (Daten werden monatlich aktualisiert): 81087
Weiter Weiter| 11 - 20 | 21 - 30|31 - 40 |Weiter Weiter