- 13.05.2019 ISO/TS 19807-2 "Nanotechnologies -- Magnetic nanomaterials -- Part 2: Specification of characteristics and measurements for nanostructured superparamagnetic beads for nucleic acid extraction
- 01.12.2016 Industrie 4.0: Deutsch-Chinesische Zusammenarbeit nimmt Fahrt auf
- 15.11.2016 Deutsch-chinesisches Seminar in Chengdu
- BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
- DIN Media - DIN Media GmbH
- BMWK - Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimschutz
- DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung
- PTB - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Gewürze und würzende Zutaten - Probenahme (ISO 948:1980); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 948:2009
Spices and condiments - Sampling (ISO 948:1980); German version EN ISO 948:2009
DIN EN ISO 945-1
Microstructure of cast irons - Part 1: Graphite classification by visual analysis (ISO 945-1:2019); German version EN ISO 945-1:2019
Spices and condiments - Determination of extraneous matter and foreign matter content (ISO 927:2009); German version EN ISO 927:2009
DIN EN ISO 899-2
Plastics - Determination of creep behaviour - Part 2: Flexural creep by three-point loading (ISO 899-2:2024); German version EN ISO 899-2:2024
DIN EN ISO 899-1
Plastics - Determination of creep behaviour - Part 1: Tensile creep (ISO 899-1:2017); German version EN ISO 899-1:2017
DIN EN ISO 898-5
Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 5: Set screws and similar threaded fasteners with specified hardness classes - Coarse thread and fine pitch thread (ISO 898-5:2012); German version EN ISO 898-5:2012
DIN EN ISO 898-2
Fasteners - Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 2: Nuts with specified property classes (ISO 898-2:2022); German version EN ISO 898-2:2022
DIN EN ISO 898-3
Fasteners - Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 3: Flat washers with specified property classes (ISO 898-3:2018 + Amd 1:2020); German version EN ISO 898-3:2018 + A1:2021
DIN EN ISO 898-1
Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs with specified property classes - Coarse thread and fine pitch thread (ISO 898-1:2013); German version EN ISO 898-1:2013
Fasteners - Bolts, screws and studs - Nominal lengths and thread lengths (ISO 888:2012); German version EN ISO 888:2018